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Can we have Drama? - Autumn Term
From £8.95
Order ref: MB6578
Categories | Schools | Can we have Drama? - Autumn Term

Can we have Drama? - Autumn Term

All Saints/Advent/Christmas.

"There's nothing out there" is a constant complaint of Heads of R.E. and r.e. co-ordinators. Knowing this to be true the author has written these fourteen dramas (role plays). Most of the ideas could be adapted for all ages. They require a minimum of props, simple costumes and most don't require a stage. There is a wide variety of themes that span the liturgical and school year. The language is pupil-friendly, making scripts easier to learn.

Size 8 1/4" x 10 1/2" / 84 pages

Price includes permission to duplicate for class use.

Buy all 3 books together: Autumn, Spring and Summer Order Ref: MBCWD3. 

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