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Can we have Drama? - Spring Term
From £8.95
Order ref: MB6616
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Can we have Drama? - Spring Term

The Way of the Cross/ The Easter Season. 16 plays / Book 

Following the success of the first volume of 'Can we have Drama?', the second volume of this series of liturgical dramas is now available to energise the preparation of Lent and Easter. These lively practical dramas are engaging to pupils of all ages and require minimum of props and simple costumes.

There is a wide variety of themes that span the Liturgical and school year. The language is pupil-friendly, making scripts easier to learn. A valuable resource for R.E.

Size 8 1/4" x 10 1/2" / 56 pages

Price includes permission to duplicate for class use.

Buy all 3 books together: Autumn, Spring and Summer Order Ref: MBCWD3.

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