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The Book of the Names of the Dead - 2nd Edition
Order ref: LBL2584
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Categories | Church | Books | The Book of the Names of the Dead - 2nd Edition

The Book of the Names of the Dead - 2nd Edition

Many churches have the custom of giving a place of honour to a book in which parishioners write the names of their dead. This is such a book that has been carefully prepared - in its dimensions, paper, binding and art - to be both beautiful and worthy of its task. In most parishes, this one volume will be large enough to receive names over many years.

This beautifully bound volume features a gold embossed cover, that matches other ritual editions, for a place of reverence in the parish. On the title page there are two thin lines. These may be used to inscribe (perhaps in calligraphy) the name of your parish and the years when this book was used to record names.

There are also lines on the pages themselves on which parishioners may write the names of their loved ones. Beautifully inscribed on these pages are English quotations from the Order of Christian Funerals. These poetic texts may be a source of inspiration and comfort during times of grief.

Specifications: Hardcover / 9" x 12" / 128 pages.

Click here to view sample pages on Google Books (external site).

Click 'Download PDF' for a free handout which explains the tradition and theology associated with the book; suitable for parish bulletins or adult faith formation and catechesis.

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