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The Jesus Child: A Christmas Eve Proclamation by Chris McDonnell


This Proclamation of Christmas which I wrote a few years back is read in a darkened church before the Gospel Reading on Christmas Eve. It may be of help in your Christmas celebration. Use it as you wish. Chris McDonnell



The Jesus Child           

Time and event

slip from our grasp.


Taken from the eternity that is God,

came the Son.


To a people prepared

came the unrecognised child.


In his time he came into our time

and disturbed the peace.


For each of us,

half people wandering in a lost world

peace comes with wholeness.


Appreciating our broken-being,

we seek completion.


From the East has come to us

a story of a wandering people,

waiting for the Lord,


the story of a turbulent people

moving with purpose

yet often confused,

often distraught

sometimes lonely,

to the point of pain.


But always drawn ever closer       

toward that one point of incarnation.


Each of us,

a pilgrim people the sparks

that the Spirit Wind blew to life.


Each of us

warming to a greater fire,

seek the Child that is its source,

the cause of our very existence.


In the silence that is night,

in the darkness

when the Sun is momentarily lost,

huddled for warmth

we reach Other.


Here tonight within these walls,

proof against that awesome night

here again is cause for hope,

here again a birth brings light.


Pass on,

pass on the fire that is given you,

the fire that is within you,

the fire that is you


until, burnt to ash

you are at the very centre.


There in the stable                

before the Child of Mary,

is the promise of the Father,

the gift of the Spirit.


Pass on and stand before the telling of the story of the Jesus Child.

And in the disturbing of your peace,

accept the peace he brings

from the eternity of God.


About Chris McDonnell

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